The changes could be called significant, compared to the first game. The graphics are very attractive, and Hogwarts as well as Hogwarts grounds look splendid. It's certainly just for kids, but if you want to see the world of HP, this is the game in which you can. Unlike other versions, most of the new spells learned from attending classes are upgrades from the previous game.This HP game shows signs of improvement if we compare it with the first one.sadly, it is nothing really interesting for hardcore gamers. It retains many elements and graphics from its predecessor but with some places in Hogwarts being expanded or moved as well as new mini-games that are played as the storyline progresses. The PlayStation version of the game is a sequel to the Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone game and was also developed by Argonaut Games. These challenges are all based on events from the book, for example, travelling into the Forbidden Forest and gathering ingredients for a potion Hermione is making. During the later parts of the game, the player will face challenges which are not time-limited and are not related to learning spells. Each new spell is accompanied by a challenge, which the player must get through in a certain amount of time to complete that class period. Filling the gaps between these events are various classes, where the player will learn how to fly a broomstick and learn new spells for combating bosses, among other things. Throughout the course of the game, the player will encounter events that tie into the storyline of the second book. Taking control of Harry, the player explores Hogwarts castle and grounds.

The game’s core gameplay is straightforward. It was the last game released for the Game Boy Color in North America and also the last Harry Potter game to be released on the PlayStation. Rowling’s 1998 novel Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and the 2002 film of the same name.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is an action-adventure video game published by Electronic Arts based on J.K. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Free Download PC game in a pre-installed direct link with updates and dlcs, for mac os x dmg from.